Book Reviews

‘Digital Assassination’
The Washington Times, Jan. 12, 2012
The Internet is a boundless universe of information and connections that fuels the economy, enhances world culture and fosters democracy. But it also is home to digital assassins who lurk undetected and lob verbal, visual and technological grenades to ruin reputations — and enlist others via social media to achieve their evil ends more quickly. That’s the ugly reality of online life as painted in this book.

‘An Army of Davids, ‘Crashing the Gate’, March 27, 2006
In the days of Julius Caesar (as imagined by William Shakespeare), a soothsayer warned the Roman emperor to “beware the ides of March.” In the days of Instapundit, the Blog Father and Kos, the leaders of the American republic have something else to beware: the blog books of March. There are two of them on the shelves now.

‘American Jihad’ And ‘Holy War, Inc.’
The Atlantic, March 19, 2002
Tragedy has inspired many a publishing frenzy throughout history, and so it has been with the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Publishers eager to capitalize on public interest in every aspect of the most deadly strike on U.S. soil are rushing an array of books onto shelves everywhere.

The Atlantic, Feb. 5, 2002
The Internet boom spawned a spoiled generation of money-loving upstarts who gave stock options a bad name. Now, the Internet bust may plague the planet with its own mutant strain of capitalistic progeny: bitter dot-com dreamers who pursue wealth by publishing tell-all books about the industry that crushed their hopes of retiring in splendor at age 35.

‘Wireless Nation’
The Atlantic, Nov. 5, 2001
Although his celebratory tone in “Wireless Nation: The Frenzied Launch of the Cellular Revolution in America” may sound a bit odd in light of recent telecommunications news, James B. Murray Jr. masterfully captures the history of an industry that made him and dozens of other business executives rich.

‘Resource Wars’
The Atlantic, July 16, 2001
Imagine a world plagued by ethnic, religious and political turmoil, soaring population growth, and troubling global climate change. Now add to that volatile mix a shortage of oil, water, timber and other natural resources — and an insatiable demand for those resources. That’s the picture painted in “Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global Conflict,” by Michael T. Klare.

‘Blinded by Might’, April 29, 1999
“Blinded by Might: Can the Religious Right Save America?” is part personal confession and part public (albeit gentle) rebuke of the comrades in faith whom Cal Thomas and Ed Dobson believe have sacrificed their spiritual leadership to gain political power. In the process, the duo argue, men like Jerry Falwell have lost sight of their mission — preaching truth to the lost — and gained nothing in return.

‘The Greatest Generation’, Jan. 21, 1999
Through this tome by Tom Brokaw, we catch fascinating glimpses of men and women in war, in business, at play and at home. We learn of loyalty, of courage, of honor, of humility, of religious faith, even of human frailty in body and spirit. “The Greatest Generation” is both a celebration of the rugged individualism so desired in America and of the love of others that binds the country.

‘Red Blood and Black Ink’, April 30, 1998
“Red Blood and Black Ink” provides a glimpse of life in the Old West through the eyes of the frontier newsmen who recorded history as it happened, and it encourages nostalgia for a more adventurous time.

‘George Bush’, Jan. 29, 1998
Herbert S. Parmet’s biography of President George H.W. Bush portrays him as a “nice guy” adrift in a nasty world and as a moderate politician always struggling to please the disparate factions of his party. Bush’s centrist political philosophy eventually cost him defeat at the hands of another moderate, Democrat Bill Clinton.